Board of regents

Board of Regent

Welcome to the TSU Board of Regents Page



We extend a heartfelt welcome to the TSU Board of Regents' webpage. Comprising eight esteemed members along with a dedicated student representative, our Board plays a pivotal role in charting the course towards academic brilliance and institutional advancement.

As stewards of our institution's future, the Board of Regents brings together a diverse range of expertise, perspectives, and insights. With a collective focus on innovation, leadership, and academic integrity, we collaboratively shape the present and future of Texas Southern University.

Here, we invite you to explore the profiles of our dedicated regents, learn about our key initiatives, and gain insights into the pivotal decisions that drive our institution forward.

We appreciate your support in embracing our #TSUProud commitment. Together, we pave the way for future generations, fueled by equality, innovative global programs, and the transformation of diverse students into lifelong learners and creative leaders.

Click HERE to Meet the Board of Regents


Credit: Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash

Upcoming Events


 Click HERE to join the Special Called Board Meeting

on Friday, March 1st @ 11:00 a.m. CST 

Office of Board Relations - Texas Southern University - 3100 Cleburne Street -  Hannah Hall Room 115 - Houston, Texas - 77004